Ice Cubes Are Not on My Bucket List

Too cool for fucking with ice cubes

Zara Everly
3 min readJun 24, 2022
Photo by Marc Schulte on Unsplash

Ladies help me: I am trying to think of salacious subjects to write about. Any ideas? Nothing too kinky but definitely not too vanilla. Help!

I started my conversation with a great group of girlfriends. I have been friends with these ladies for over thirteen years now and we talk about everything.

I have written so much about sex that I almost felt like I had run out of ideas. How many times can I write about blow jobs and anal sex?

Oddly enough, the answer could potentially be “infinite.”

We batted around several subjects, and I was left with a list of potential story ideas. It is not so much simply them saying to me, “Write about this” but more of “write about this” and the thoughts that it inspired in my head.

However, most of my readers are writers so I probably don’t need to explain that process.

Fucking ice cubes

They threw out a number of subjects: vibrators, sex toys, masturbation. When I noted that anal sex is always a popular topic, they suggested a “how-to.” Not a bad idea but I have done that already. You can check it out here and here.



Zara Everly

Writing and research information professional. Bibliophile. Forever English major. Literary harlot.